Community Profile

Municipality: Trafford Borough
County Council District: 8
Council Representative: Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis
Senatorial District: 45
Legislative District: 25
Congressional District: 14
Council of Government:
School District: Penn-Trafford º
Police Chief: Carmen Disso
Police Department Info
Fire Chief: Brian Lindbloom
Fire Department Info
Ambulance: Trafford EMS
Sanitary Authority: Alcosan
Square Miles: 0


Community Contact

  • Ashley Stack, Manager
  • 414 Brinton Avenue
    Trafford, PA 15085
  • Phone: 412-372-5361
  • Fax: 412-372-2669

To request an update to information on this page, please use Contact Assistance.

For more information, check the Municipality Millage rate or the School District Millage rate.

Real Estate Information

Taxable Value Exempt Value PURTA Value All Real Estate
Certified Value 1/12/2024: $3,365,900 $0 $7,100 $3,373,000
Value As Of 7/12/2024: $3,365,900 $0 $7,100 $3,373,000

Taxable Residential Median Value as of 7/12/2024: $71,050

Millage Rates

2022 2023 2024
County: 4.7300 4.7300 4.7300
School District:14.010013.9100N/A

Taxes for Property Assessed at $100,000

Municipality:N/A ºN/A ºN/A º
School District:N/A ºN/A ºN/A º

Taxes for Median Property Value ($71,050)

Municipality:N/A ºN/A ºN/A º
School District:N/A ºN/A ºN/A º

The millage values are updated as soon as they are set by the Municipalities and School Districts.

  • School Millages are on a fiscal year and are set at the end of June.
  • School District only partially in Allegheny County. Municipal and School District Taxes in Trafford Borough are not based on current Allegheny County assessed property values. Contact your municipality and school district for these values.