Authorities, Boards, Committees...

Directory of Organizations and Advisory Groups in Allegheny County

Allegheny County prides itself on its diversity. From our citizenry to our workforce, individuals of all ages, colors, disabilities, national origin, religions, races, and genders have a role in our county. That diversity also applies to the county’s authorities, boards and commissions as every attempt is to make each of these entities as diverse as the county itself.

If you have an interest in serving on an authority, board or commission, and would like to bring your own diverse background to the table, you may send a letter of interest and your resume to:

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Property Assessment Appeals & Review Board

Contact: Barbara Baldwin 
Phone: 412-350-4603 
345 County Office Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 
Meeting Place: 328 County Office Bldg. 
Meeting Time: 8:00 a.m. 
Established September 1, 2000 to replace the Board of Property Assessment, Appeals & Review, which was established by State Legislature effective 1st Monday of January, 1942. The purpose of this new appeal board shall be to oversee assessment appeals and certify assessment appeal decisions concerning: the valuations of real property used by taxing authorities within the County for the purpose of levying taxes, and whether real property is exempt from real property taxation based upon the applicable law. The board is composed of seven (7) members who are all appointed for three (3) year terms. These members shall meet the following special qualifications: three (3) members shall have not less than ten (10) years practical experience as a registered real estate broker, or real estate appraiser or assessor; one (1) member shall have not less than ten (10) years practical experience as a building construction engineer, civil engineer or general contractor or assessor, and one (1) member shall have not less than ten (10) years experience as a practicing attorney at law with residential valuation expertise. County Council is responsible for appointing four (4) members; the County Executive is responsible for appointing three (3) members, with confirmation from County Council. No member shall serve more than four (4) terms. BOARD MEETS EVERY OTHER THURSDAY



Member Title
Wayde FargotsteinMember
LeSans Heard MontgomeryMember
Michelle PayanzoSecretary
Richard SnipeVice-Chair
Michael J. SuleyChair
Susan Thornton LaraMember
Vacant Vacant1