Authorities, Boards, Committees...

Directory of Organizations and Advisory Groups in Allegheny County

Allegheny County prides itself on its diversity. From our citizenry to our workforce, individuals of all ages, colors, disabilities, national origin, religions, races, and genders have a role in our county. That diversity also applies to the county’s authorities, boards and commissions as every attempt is to make each of these entities as diverse as the county itself.

If you have an interest in serving on an authority, board or commission, and would like to bring your own diverse background to the table, you may send a letter of interest and your resume to:

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Allegheny County Human Relations Commission

Contact: Laura Zaspel 
Phone: 412-350-6830 
Address: 920 City-County Building
414 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 
Meeting Time: 8:30 a.m. 
On July 1, 2009, Allegheny County Council enacted Ordinance Number 26-09-OR that established the Human Relations Commission of Allegheny County. The mission of the Human Relations Commission is to assure that all persons regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry or place of birth, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, familial status, age or use of a guide or support animal because of blindness, deafness or physical disability enjoy the full benefits of citizenship and are afforded equal opportunities for employment, housing and use of public accommodation facilities. The Human Relations Commission shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Chief Executive with the approval of County Council. All members of the Commission shall be residents of the County at the time of appointment and throughout their service. Three of the initial appointments shall be for terms of two years, and the remaining four initial appointments shall be for terms of four years. All future appointments shall be for terms of four years.



Member Title
Leslie-Paul JamersonMember
Arthur PangChair
J. Nicole RhodesMember
Mary Ann TrifaroMember
Vacant Vacant1
Tanya VokesMember
Kellie WareVice Chair