Authorities, Boards, Committees...

Directory of Organizations and Advisory Groups in Allegheny County

Allegheny County prides itself on its diversity. From our citizenry to our workforce, individuals of all ages, colors, disabilities, national origin, religions, races, and genders have a role in our county. That diversity also applies to the county’s authorities, boards and commissions as every attempt is to make each of these entities as diverse as the county itself.

If you have an interest in serving on an authority, board or commission, and would like to bring your own diverse background to the table, you may send a letter of interest and your resume to:

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Kane Foundation Board

Address: Kane Regional Center
955 Rivermont Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15207 
The purpose of the Foundation is to receive and maintain gifts of money and property and to distribute money and property to the Center or for charitable, scientific and educational activities. The Board of Trustees is comprised of a minimum of 9 and no more than 15 members and which include the Chief Executive of Allegheny County, Executive Director of the Regional Centers and one member of County Council. Non-designated Trustees serve four (4) year staggered terms.



Member Title
Jerry Ann Allen
Dennis R. Biondo
Council President Patrick J. Catena
Charlene FlahertySecretary
Clarence HopsonPresident
County Executive Sara Innamorato
Patti Irwin
George Janocsko
Dusty Elias Kirk
Janet KulisTreasurer
Michael Lamb
John Niederberger
Julia Suber
Ted Trbovich