Authorities, Boards, Committees...

Directory of Organizations and Advisory Groups in Allegheny County

Allegheny County prides itself on its diversity. From our citizenry to our workforce, individuals of all ages, colors, disabilities, national origin, religions, races, and genders have a role in our county. That diversity also applies to the county’s authorities, boards and commissions as every attempt is to make each of these entities as diverse as the county itself.

If you have an interest in serving on an authority, board or commission, and would like to bring your own diverse background to the table, you may send a letter of interest and your resume to:

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Allegheny County Jail Oversight Board

Phone: 412-350-5410 
Address: Allegheny County Courthouse, Gold Room
436 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 
Meeting Place: Allegheny County Courthouse, Gold Room 
Meeting Time: 4:00 p.m. 
Previously the Prison Board. The County Jail Oversight Board is a continuation of of the County Prison Board originally established under the Act of December 10, 1980 ( P.L. 1152 (No. 208), known as the "Second Class County Prison Board Act." This Board ensures discipline and safekeeping of prisoners and also proper management of the County Jail. The Board consists of nine (9) members with following qualifications: County Chief Executive; Two judges of the Court of Common Pleas, one of whom shall be the president judge or his designee, and one judge appointed by the president judge; County Sheriff; County Controller; County Council President, and three citizen representatives who shall not be employees of Allegheny County or the State of Pennsylvania. Citizen members appointed by the Chief Executive. The terms for the citizen members will be three (3) years in duration.



Muhammad (MAN-E) Ali Nasir
Judge Kelly Bigley
President Judge Susan DiLucente
Barbara Griffin
Councilmember Bethany Hallam
County Executive Sara Innamorato
Sheriff Kevin Kraus
Controller Corey O'Connor
Rob Perkins